Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 4 10-21-2010 "Cindy"

Day 4 of my Paleo challange.

BF- 3 whole eggs/ ½ cup Ground Turkey meat/ 1 TB of Salsa, 1 cup mixed fruit.

Lunch- Green Salad with leftover taco meat added. Salad had lettuce, green peppers and cucumbers, no dressing. Tossed in a few almonds to spice it up.
Dinner- My dad made Grilled chicken. No BBQ sause he used some garlic and other spices for flavor. I had 1 ½ chicken Breasts and green beans, with pepper. It was simple and tasty at the same time.

Benchmark WOD
AMRAP 20 Minutes
-5 Pull Ups
-10 Push Ups
-15 Squats

I arrived at Corporal Crossfit about 30 mins before class to do some stretching , as I always do. My Quads were pretty sore from yesterdays WOD. That mixed in with today’s WOD “Cindy” which has squats in it as well, I figured that I needed to workout some of the lactic acid before the WOD. Today’s Class member were Brickell,Tania w/Sister, Emilio and myself. After some Talk about how we were feeling with the change to our diet with the Paleo Diet, we started our warm-ups. This consisted of 2 rounds of 30 Jumping Jacks, 15Push-ups and Air Squats. From there we did some rotations to get the joints loose and some upper body stretches to get the blood flowing. In no time at all We were hearing the clock count down 3..2..1 GO!

The Kipping Pull-Up

The 1st 5 rounds went pretty good for me. I was working my Kip in as much as could with the pull-ups but its hard to do when using a band. I did my Push-up RX and squats didn’t hurt as much as I thought they would. My send round of 5 was not so easy. My arms started to burn pretty good in the8th round, but I fought thru it for the pull-ups, but had to go to modified push-ups for the rest of my rounds, and squats really started to suck. In the final rounds I could hardly move or breath, but with coach Carlos pushing us to keep going we did. I completed 17 Rounds in 20 mins using a green resistance band for 15 rounds and a blue one for 2. This was my 1st “Cindy” so I am ok with my results. I set a goal for 20 when I started. I missed that goal , but I know that next time around I will not let her kick my ass as she did this time. Congrats to my classmates for a killer job today. I will see you all next week.

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