Power Cleans Rock!
Today’s WOD implemented the use of the Power Clean. This is by far my weakest power lift. The motion of rotating my hands to bring the bar up to my chest is just hard for me due to not being as flexible as I should be. I still manage to get a few goods ones in, but I defiantly need to practice this movement and work on my flexibility. Below is the WOD for the day and my results.
AMRAP 20 Minutes
-15 Leg Lifts
-10 Power Cleans 135#
-5 Pull Ups
I finished 9 rounds @ 115# Power Cleans and the Green Band for Pull-ups.
I was going to do this RX but was talked down my Coach Carlos. Im glad I took heed to his warning, because after the 2 round of power cleans I was pretty smoked. So I feel that 115# was the perfect weight for me at this point in my training. The leg lifts stated to suck at about round 5, but I fought thru the pain and kept pushing thru. Pull-ups are another weak point for me. I have weak tendons in my arms which strain easy so I am timid to go hard on pull-ups. Today was different. I used my kip and the pull-ups were not bad at all today.
All in all it was a killer WOD and everyone got crushed. All my classmate did a great job in keeping everyone motivated and did not let anyone quit. At the end of the work out we all to a group photo in front of the new wall logo.
Corporal Crossfit will be closed for the holiday, so I will have to do some home WOD’s or even drop into another local box. Happy Thanksgiving everyone have a great one.
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