Back on track!
Since my last update I have really stepped it up and made a better effort in both my WOD’s and my diet. I took the time this week to sit down and write out a list of foods I can eat and afford. I was able to buy a good weeks supply of food. That is if I can spread it up and not over eat. I bought a lot of fresh fruit like apples and pears. I like to have fruit in the morning with my eggs. The veggies I got were the normal ones I get Cucumber, tomatoes, celery, carrots, green pepper. I also got asparagus, I had never really had it so I wanted to give it a try. I lucked out in the meat department, they were having a sale on Turkey lunch meat 2 for 6 bucks with a extra buck off, I bought 6. Also grabbed a backed chicken and 2 bags of shrimp (buy 1 get 1 free) All in all I feel good about it and didn’t spend a butt load.
The WODs for the last few days were killer and I went at them as hard as I could. Here are my results for the last 3 WODs. I know that if I keep pushing myself and listen to my coaches and my body I will achieve my goals. I just have to say focused and not let my everyday BS get in my way. I must stay the course. Thanks to my classmates and coaches for everything.
NEW PR #165x3
-Back Extensions
-Push Press (55#,35#)
-Slam Balls
8:03 (RX)
15:03 scaled down to 185# after 2nd round of DL's
Benchmark WOD
-150 Wall Ball Shots
For time 9:15
-15 Deadlifts (225#, 155#)
-20 Box Jumps, 24'
5 Rounds, For time11-20
-Standing Press 3-3-3-3-3
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