Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Re-Start at life

In this 1st post I will tell you about myself and how I have come to where I am at life right now.

1st I have never blogged before really, I am not a great writer but feel that i express myself pretty well in text other then in person. I'm not great at spelling or in grammar, so if you see mistake, be advised I told you so. OK with that out of the way here we go.

Well if your a friend of mine you know my name, but for others that stumble upon my blogger for whatever reason it may be, my name is Richard Stokes ( Hence the Stoked in the blog title), but you can call me Ric. I am 33years old. I am a father of 3 sons. I live and work in Miami, FL. as a Security Supervisor at a water plant. What I do right now is not what I want to be doing but it is a job, so I cant bitch. I spent 12 years in the US Army as a Infantryman and as a Military Police Officer. I have always been into sports and started lifting weights at the age of 14. Like many kids at that age , I had no clue what I was doing as far as lifts or diet. I would eat what I wanted and did workouts that I seen in Flex and other Muscle mags. I never really did see changes in my body from what I was doing other then getting bigger as I grew older. When I joined the Army I stopped going to the gym and just did what the Army calls PT, Mostly running, with push-ups and sit-ups. This was not enough for my body to fight off the shitty diet that I had. I pretty much lived on Pizza and Beer. So I went from 180lbs from when I joined in Aug of 1996 to 230lbs by the time I left the Army In March 2008.  For the last 2 1/2 years of being out of the Army not much has changed other then I was not working out AT ALL, and my diet had not changed.  I was growing tired of being fat and basically just living a shitty life.

In Dec of 2009 I was talking to a friend of mine (Navy Mike/Lala) who had been posting workouts and weigh loss on his FaceBook. I asked him what he was doing and he told me about Crossfit. I was very interested and he looked up a box for me. At the Time I was living in Chardon, Ohio going to Nursing School. I had also just started going to a mom and pop gym in town. I would go there and be bored within the 1st 10 mins and I would just leave having pretty much doing nothing. Mike told me there was a Box In my area. CrossFit 440 had just opened a few months before I got there. Coach Jim Marino and Coach Ryan Speed took me in and put me through my baseline on day one. I finished it but  boy were my eyes open on how bad I really had let myself go.

In March of 2010 I decided that Nursing was not for me so I packed up and took my talents to South Beach( Sorry Ohio Friends had to make a funny about Lebron). I moved to Florida with the idea of getting a job in a federal prison. That is still my goal, its just on hold for now due to some credit issues. I was not able to continue with my Crossfit workouts due to an injury i had suffered before the move. 5 months passed and I was starting to feel crappy again. My body hurt and i was not sleeping. I knew what I needed and it was Crossfit. I looked up boxes in my area and found one that was a perfect fit for me. Corporal Crossfit was only 3 miles from where I lived. I called and talked to Coach Carlos Arias and set up a time to come in and talk about joining his new box. With the Help of Coach Carlos and Coach Jenn Stockero, I am back on track to my goals.

                              This is a Pic of me today 10-19-2010,  I am 5-10ish and 250 lbs. 
as you can see I am not what you would call "FIT" or "In Shape". That is why I am here. I'm am going to share with you my current challenge in life, To Get Healthy!

How am I going to do that you may ask? I will achieve my goals by being active in Crossfit and making a life style change in the way I eat with the Paleo diet.

What is Crossfit? follow these links and have a look for yourself.

Well that's is all for now. Come back and check in me from time to time and see how my progress is going. I will be posting my WODs, my meals, and Pics of me along this trip. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement.  So here we go Ready 3...2...1.... GO!

1 comment:

  1. I am super proud of you! You will get where you want to be. I can tell you are motivated! I had to get rid of TV for my life change. Let me know if there is anything I can do to support you!
