Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 10!


DAY 10!

Dear Blog, its has been 6 days since my last confession. I must say this has been a very rough 6 days form me. Diet, Crossfit, and life in general wise.

Last weekend I went on a trip back up north to visit friends for a Halloween party. A weekend filled with great friends, drinks and awesome food that I could not eat. I’m not going to lie I slipped a few times and I will not go into it, lets just say my Crossfit family would not be to happy with it.

When I got back from my trip I went to work. Upon arrival I am notified that I would not have a job come Thursday. As you can image this was a surprise to myself. It seems that the contract that I work for. (Miami-Dade County) thinks that it had to much security to protect a water plant. They decided to cut 600hrs from our contract. That’s is roughly the hours for about 10 of my coworkers that are now without work. I was a bit pissed off as you guess. Its hard to take in that you just lost your job for no good reason.

Yesterday I spent the whole day looking for a new job. I found one but I am taking a $5 dollar pay cut. That is not good for me, but it is better then nothing. I have a few other Interviews lined up for better paying jobs, but need income for the time being.

On the Crossfit side, as you might have guess I just haven’t had time to get to the box. I can feel the difference in the way I feel when I miss a few days and I really don’t like it. I feel like my body gets all knotted up and stiff. My diet also suffers when I am stressed like this and I can really feel the change in the way I feel when I eat poorly.

But no worries I will be back today to have my ass kicked the Corporal Crossfit way. So wish me luck on getting back on track I really need it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 4 10-21-2010 "Cindy"

Day 4 of my Paleo challange.

BF- 3 whole eggs/ ½ cup Ground Turkey meat/ 1 TB of Salsa, 1 cup mixed fruit.

Lunch- Green Salad with leftover taco meat added. Salad had lettuce, green peppers and cucumbers, no dressing. Tossed in a few almonds to spice it up.
Dinner- My dad made Grilled chicken. No BBQ sause he used some garlic and other spices for flavor. I had 1 ½ chicken Breasts and green beans, with pepper. It was simple and tasty at the same time.

Benchmark WOD
AMRAP 20 Minutes
-5 Pull Ups
-10 Push Ups
-15 Squats

I arrived at Corporal Crossfit about 30 mins before class to do some stretching , as I always do. My Quads were pretty sore from yesterdays WOD. That mixed in with today’s WOD “Cindy” which has squats in it as well, I figured that I needed to workout some of the lactic acid before the WOD. Today’s Class member were Brickell,Tania w/Sister, Emilio and myself. After some Talk about how we were feeling with the change to our diet with the Paleo Diet, we started our warm-ups. This consisted of 2 rounds of 30 Jumping Jacks, 15Push-ups and Air Squats. From there we did some rotations to get the joints loose and some upper body stretches to get the blood flowing. In no time at all We were hearing the clock count down 3..2..1 GO!

The Kipping Pull-Up

The 1st 5 rounds went pretty good for me. I was working my Kip in as much as could with the pull-ups but its hard to do when using a band. I did my Push-up RX and squats didn’t hurt as much as I thought they would. My send round of 5 was not so easy. My arms started to burn pretty good in the8th round, but I fought thru it for the pull-ups, but had to go to modified push-ups for the rest of my rounds, and squats really started to suck. In the final rounds I could hardly move or breath, but with coach Carlos pushing us to keep going we did. I completed 17 Rounds in 20 mins using a green resistance band for 15 rounds and a blue one for 2. This was my 1st “Cindy” so I am ok with my results. I set a goal for 20 when I started. I missed that goal , but I know that next time around I will not let her kick my ass as she did this time. Congrats to my classmates for a killer job today. I will see you all next week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 3 10-20-2010 Paleo Challange

Day 3 10-20-2010

BF- 3 whole eggs/ 4 slices turkey bacon, 1 TB of Salsa, 1 cup Grapes

Lunch- Paleo Tacos 
-1 lbs ground turkey meat
-2 cups spinach leaves

Brown in a pan and drain, put back in pan and add ½ jar of salsa and mix.
Take meat and wrap it in roman or iceberg lettuce and enjoy.

I don’t eat all the meat in one sitting that would be way to much. I divide it up into 4 meals. This is a real quick and simple meal that does not cost a lot of money. I get my ground turkey meat from Sams Club, it come in packs of 4 for around 10 dollars. I use a Bagged Spinach that you can get from any supermarket for about 3 bucks a bag. The salsa is what ever kind you like I use a Winn Dixie brand that does not have any sugar in it.

Dinner- Turkey patty with onions and green beans. I know it is the same as last night, but I am pretty boring when it comes to food. I just do what is fast and easy and I cook in bulk. Tonight I added just a little under a teaspoon of BBQ sauce for flavor to the patty it was kind of bland. Hope that don’t count against me =)
-5 Front Squats
-5 Push Press
-5 Thrusters

5 Rounds, For time = 4:24 RX’ed
(M:75#, F:45#)
Tonight’s WOD was fast but it sure did kick my ass. The 1st two rounds I did unbroken in :55 seconds. After that I started to feel it. I slowed down to around 1 round a min. At the end of the WOD I was crushed, I had a hard time breathing and I was a bit dizzy. I just think this was due to me really crushing this WOD, Well crushed it for me that is. After a few minutes I caught my breath and did some stretching and drank a bottle of water. All in all it was a really good WOD and I am happy with my time. Next time I do this one I will shoot for 3 minutes. Thanks to my Classmates for pushing me to work harder. I am off to the shower and then in bed by 10pm. Till next time.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1and 2 Paleo Challenge 10-18/19-2010

Day 1 10-18-2010

BF- 3 whole eggs/ 4 slices turkey bacon, 1 TB of Salsa, 1 cup Grapes
Lunch- 1 Chicken Breast with pepper and Garlic for flavor, 1 large Peach
Snack- Celery Sticks
Dinner- Tuna Fish over a Garden salad of lettuce , spinach leaves, cucumber tomato, and green peppers. Olive oil vinaigrette as dressing

-50 Double-Unders ( 150 singles )
-10 Muscle Ups ( 10 pull-ups/10 ring dips)
-40 Double-Unders ( 120 singles )
-8 Muscle Ups ( 8 pull-ups/8 ring dips)
-30 Double-Unders ( 90 singles )
-6 Muscle Ups ( 6 pull-ups/6 ring dips)
-20 Double-Unders ( 60singles )
-4 Muscle Ups ( 4 pull-ups/4 ring dips)
-10 Double-Unders ( 30 singles )
-2 Muscle Ups ( 2 pull-ups/2 ring dips)

For time: 10:18

I am still working on my Double-Unders and my Muscle-ups so I scaled down. The scale down is inside the ( ). I mixed in a few Double-Unders and I am starting to get the hang of them. With more practice I will be doing all my jump roping using Double-Unders. As for the Muscle-Ups I have a long was to go. I think that once I shed another 20-30 lbs I will be able to get 1 or 2.
Day 2 10-19-2010

BF- 3 whole eggs/ 4 slices turkey bacon, 1 TB of Salsa, 1 cup Grapes
Lunch- 4oz of turkey meat, 1 med tomato and 1 large apple
Snack- handful of Almonds/ 2 Carrots
Dinner- Turkey patty with onions and green beans

Off day at Corporal Crossfit, but I did a little bit of work at home. Nothing big just a few body weight exercises and some work a stretch band. Here is what I did.

2 sets
15 Close Hand Push-Ups with Push-Up Bars
15 Wide Hand Push-Ups with Push-Up Bars
15 Shoulder press and raises
50 Sit-Ups( I really need to buy the Abmat)

Like I said nothing big, just enough to stay lose and not feel lazy. All in all I feel pretty good. Im not starving like I thought I might be. I Hope that I can maintain this drive I have right now. That is where you, my friends and family come in. I need your help to keep me going. Your comments of encouragements will fuel me to keep going. Well that’s all for today, time to let my body rest.

A Re-Start at life

In this 1st post I will tell you about myself and how I have come to where I am at life right now.

1st I have never blogged before really, I am not a great writer but feel that i express myself pretty well in text other then in person. I'm not great at spelling or in grammar, so if you see mistake, be advised I told you so. OK with that out of the way here we go.

Well if your a friend of mine you know my name, but for others that stumble upon my blogger for whatever reason it may be, my name is Richard Stokes ( Hence the Stoked in the blog title), but you can call me Ric. I am 33years old. I am a father of 3 sons. I live and work in Miami, FL. as a Security Supervisor at a water plant. What I do right now is not what I want to be doing but it is a job, so I cant bitch. I spent 12 years in the US Army as a Infantryman and as a Military Police Officer. I have always been into sports and started lifting weights at the age of 14. Like many kids at that age , I had no clue what I was doing as far as lifts or diet. I would eat what I wanted and did workouts that I seen in Flex and other Muscle mags. I never really did see changes in my body from what I was doing other then getting bigger as I grew older. When I joined the Army I stopped going to the gym and just did what the Army calls PT, Mostly running, with push-ups and sit-ups. This was not enough for my body to fight off the shitty diet that I had. I pretty much lived on Pizza and Beer. So I went from 180lbs from when I joined in Aug of 1996 to 230lbs by the time I left the Army In March 2008.  For the last 2 1/2 years of being out of the Army not much has changed other then I was not working out AT ALL, and my diet had not changed.  I was growing tired of being fat and basically just living a shitty life.

In Dec of 2009 I was talking to a friend of mine (Navy Mike/Lala) who had been posting workouts and weigh loss on his FaceBook. I asked him what he was doing and he told me about Crossfit. I was very interested and he looked up a box for me. At the Time I was living in Chardon, Ohio going to Nursing School. I had also just started going to a mom and pop gym in town. I would go there and be bored within the 1st 10 mins and I would just leave having pretty much doing nothing. Mike told me there was a Box In my area. CrossFit 440 had just opened a few months before I got there. Coach Jim Marino and Coach Ryan Speed took me in and put me through my baseline on day one. I finished it but  boy were my eyes open on how bad I really had let myself go.

In March of 2010 I decided that Nursing was not for me so I packed up and took my talents to South Beach( Sorry Ohio Friends had to make a funny about Lebron). I moved to Florida with the idea of getting a job in a federal prison. That is still my goal, its just on hold for now due to some credit issues. I was not able to continue with my Crossfit workouts due to an injury i had suffered before the move. 5 months passed and I was starting to feel crappy again. My body hurt and i was not sleeping. I knew what I needed and it was Crossfit. I looked up boxes in my area and found one that was a perfect fit for me. Corporal Crossfit was only 3 miles from where I lived. I called and talked to Coach Carlos Arias and set up a time to come in and talk about joining his new box. With the Help of Coach Carlos and Coach Jenn Stockero, I am back on track to my goals.

                              This is a Pic of me today 10-19-2010,  I am 5-10ish and 250 lbs. 
as you can see I am not what you would call "FIT" or "In Shape". That is why I am here. I'm am going to share with you my current challenge in life, To Get Healthy!

How am I going to do that you may ask? I will achieve my goals by being active in Crossfit and making a life style change in the way I eat with the Paleo diet.

What is Crossfit? follow these links and have a look for yourself.

Well that's is all for now. Come back and check in me from time to time and see how my progress is going. I will be posting my WODs, my meals, and Pics of me along this trip. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement.  So here we go Ready 3...2...1.... GO!