Thursday, December 9, 2010

End Of Paleo Challenge

End Of Paleo Challenge

So here are my results of my 7 week Paleo Challenge. They are not the results I wanted or hoped for , but I only have myself to blame for that. I went into this with all the intent of not cheating and staying strict paleo. Like many other things in life, they don’t always go as planned. I am not going to sit here and make excuses about why I my results were not up to par. I am just going to say that if I had put 100% into like I should have I would have seen much better results.

The results I did get, I am happy about, seeing how they were good enough to win me 3rd place in the Corporal Crossfit Challenge. So with out further delay here are the measurement and the pics. The changes are slight but you can see the differences.

Weight: -8 lbs putting my weight loss since Aug at 33 pounds.
Waist at Bellybutton: -3 in
Waist at smallest point: -4 in
Hips: -1.5 in

Now that I have this 1st 7 weeks out of the way I am ready for another round. I cant promise that I will be 100% but I sure am going to try. I know that I can do better then this last time. With the help and support of you all and the kick ass training I am getting at Corporal Crossfit. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

After Thanksgiving Suckfest!

11/29 thru 12/2 2010

So the Turkey day festivities are over and its time to get back to work. Some of us were bad and some were really bad. I for one was just bad. I cheated on My diet a few times over the Holiday, but I made up for it in Home WOD’s as I pointed out in my last Blog. The 29th marked the Return of My Coaches Carlos and Jenny who went to Wisconsin to celebrate their union or marriage with their families.  Jenny and Carlos had a special WOD ready for their return. I was more then thrilled to get back to work. Below you will see the WOD’s and SWOD’s for the last 4 days. As you can see we have not been taking it easy. We hit the ground running and got right back to work.

WOD-10 Dead-Hang Pull Ups-20 GHD Situps-40 Double-Unders5 Rounds, For time: 16:01

This WOD was great, I did scale down to ABMAT Sit-ups for 3 rounds instead of all 5 rounds of GHD. I had never done them before and I didn’t want to over do it and hurt myself.  I switched it up a bit with singles and double unders. I  am still only able to link 2-3 DU at once, but I am getting better. . I am also still using the Green band for pull-ups. I think next month I will go one lower.

GHD Sit-Up's

SWOD-Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 @#155
MetCon10-20-30-20-10-Sumo DLHP (53#,35#)-Dips For time. 6:52

I had a rough time getting my form and technique down for the Push Jerk, I kept doing Push Presses. With some help for Carlos and Pablo I was able to get a few good sets in. I kept the weight low so I could work on my form and technique.  This WOD was a fun one Pablo and myself went head to head and he beat me out by a few seconds. That is one of the best things about Crossfit for me. Having another person there to push you, to make you work harder, to really want it and to beat the other person and to cheer them on to finish faster next time.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull with Kettle-bells

WOD-10 Hang Cleans (155#, 125#)-15 Tuck Jumps-200m Run4 Rounds, For time: 8:04 @ #95

JENNY I HATE RUNNING!  That’s all I got to say about this WOD, other then I am glad I did not go RX or I would still be doing Hang Cleans right now.

SWOD: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 @#305 (PR)
MetCon:40 Squats,30 Abmat Situps,20 Knees to Elbow,10 Goblet Squats,3 Rounds, For  time: 9:45

I  got a PR on today’s SWOD and I was very happy with it. I wanted to shot for 315 but was Talked down and for good reason. I will save 315 for another day. I know I could have got the weight up, but I am happy with today’s PR.  The WOD was Fast paced  and it hurt. After the SWOD all the squatting in this WOD really got my legs burning. I think I could have gone a bit faster on my ABMATS but I went slower and really focused on making sure I felt my abs do the work. My abs are pretty sore right now So I think I did a good job at isolating them today.

Back Squat Progression

All and all it has been a great week. I have been super strict with my Paleo. Only 4 more day to see the results of the 7 week challenge. I will post all my results and to include weight and measurements along with some before and after pics. So make sure you come back to see how I did.  I am out for now time for some sleep.